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Lessons from the #labourdoorstep

This summer, I moved to Yorkshire for five weeks to work on Labour’s general election campaign. There have been hundreds of articles written about how Labour won, but I thought it’s worth sharing a few reflections from my “on the ground” experience.

The consultancy vs doorstep mismatch

While we spend a lot of our time thinking about client policy areas such as AI, energy transition and business taxation, it won’t be a surprise to hear that on the doorsteps of Britain, the conversations are a little different. Cost of living, immigration, crime and the NHS (and potholes of course!) dominated and are the issues that will fill the inboxes of MPs.

That doesn’t mean that we should advise our clients to start advocating in policy spaces that mean little to their business, but it’s useful to think about the many directions MPs are being pulled in on a single day. It’s likely they are already thinking about the next election, so your email needs to persuade an MP to take 5, 30 or 45 minutes away from the issues that their voters care about. Keep it short, focused and relevant. 

Don’t lobby candidates during the short campaign

Campaigns are relentless and even the most seasoned politician will occasionally suffer from ‘candidatitus’ – thinking they’re going to lose because of one bad conversation or becoming utterly convinced that a minor local council issue from eight years ago will lose them 3,000 votes.  

Within that context, I was surprised to see attempts to ask candidates for help during the campaign. I saw one candidate cold approached for views for the intel slide on a pitch deck. It went down really badly, and for the person sending it gave the impression that they haven’t the first clue about politics – not great for a public affairs pro!

Candidates are incredibly busy speaking to voters, making videos, finalising print copy, meeting community stakeholders and everything else in between. There’s only one way to demonstrate your ‘ins’ with a particular party during a short campaign, and that’s by making yourself useful and knocking on some doors.

A smart campaign won it for Labour
Labour was undoubtedly helped by the collapse of the Conservative and SNP vote, the late entry of a Farage-led reform and the Liberal Democrats targeting Conservative seats. But to be the beneficiary of others misfortune, you need to be in a position from which you can capitalise.

Labour’s campaign strategy accounted for other party’s pressure points. The headline policies had been consistent for two years and the message discipline observed almost without fault. They resisted traps laid by others and stuck to the plan. Labour’s well-documented courting of business had served the primary purpose of reassuring voters that Labour could be trusted with the economy – an issue that has lost Labour many elections.

What now?
Campaigning and governing are different skills, and it will be much more difficult for Starmer and his team to retain the kind of discipline that won them the election – though he will certainly try.

Labour is clear on what it wants to achieve in government – it’s all in the manifesto – and has wasted no time in getting started. Our task is to position our clients as critical enablers to achieving these missions and to help facilitate strong, trusted relationships.

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The dawn of a new era

The intensity of the snap election campaign risked masking the significance of what was about to happen. With the polls close to accurate, the night belonged to Labour. 

The UK has had a Conservative Prime Minister since 2010 and a majority Conservative government since 2015. The Labour Party hasn’t won a general election since 2005, under Tony Blair. In that context, the change that last night’s results could yield are set to be truly seismic. 

It’s now certain that everything will change. The government, Parliament, the House of Lords and our wider constitutional settlement will now change. One way or another, our economy will also change – as will our relationships abroad and the political priorities at home. 

A consequence of Labour’s impressively disciplined campaign was the surprising lack of detail about how they intend to govern and what exactly they intend to do beyond the “first steps” they announced. For businesses of all sizes and across all sectors, there will be an urgent necessity to understand the scale and impact of the change that will result from last night’s results. 

At Hawthorn Advisors, our experts are ready to help you navigate the consequences, risks, and opportunities of this change. 

What we offer:

UK will have a new Government and a new Parliament, and Hawthorn’s political advisory team is ready to help you engage with this new world:

  • Engagement strategy with new MPs
  • Hawthorn political check-in
  • Hawthorn’s new Parliament guide
  • Parliamentary and government messaging
  • Party conference concierge package
  • Political risk, audit and opportunity report –
    the Hawthorn ‘sense check’
  • Sector-specific policy development
  • Select committee training
  • Read more

Meet the Political Advisory Team

Mark Burr
Grace Skelton
Dan Patten
James Cowling
Senior Consultant
Holly Highfield
Alice Jones
Senior Analyst

The Hawthorn Headliner is our fortnightly public affairs bulletin, where our experts bring you insights and analysis on politics and policy.

If you’d like to speak to Hawthorn Advisors about our Political Advisory offering, please email Mark Burr at

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‘Made with AI’… but what if it’s not?

In February 2024 Meta announced that it would be rolling out a suite of AI detection tools. As Meta explained in its newsroom, as AI-powered content generation tools get more sophisticated, it’s becoming harder for consumers of content to tell the difference between what’s been generated by AI and what has not. By clearly and correctly labelling content which is created using AI, Meta hopes to build user trust.

Since AI tools became cheap, user friendly and easily accessible, there has been a well-documented rise in public scepticism and mistrust. Fake news and deepfakes making their way into public consciousness. Research published in August 2023 suggested that 30% of the global population was aware of the concept of deepfakes. The same research conducted a year earlier found only 13% knew what the word meant. As this interesting thought-piece from the European Parliament suggests “Simply knowing that deepfakes exist can be enough to undermine our confidence in all media representations, and make us doubt the authenticity of everything we see and hear online.” 

Undermined Confidence

It’s this ‘undermined confidence’ in platforms which Meta is trying to address with its AI detection labels. But getting the labelling right is harder than Meta imagined. It’s easy for Meta to detect AI generated content created using its own software, but now there are thousands of different AI tools out there used either to create images and videos from scratch or manipulate existing visuals. In the last few weeks content creators on Instagram and Facebook have noticed many of their photographs and videos had been mislabelled by Meta as ‘Made with AI’, when they weren’t. Expectedly, there’s been an uproar, with some influencers going so far as to boycott Instagram.

Here’s why Meta’s probably struggling to get the label right. To properly detect if an image has been created by AI, detection programmes can’t rely on the “look” of an image. Detection relies on programs to be able to read metadata or invisible markers which are embedded within the file. What we hope, is that software like Dall-E, Midjourney and others all embed some metadata into AI generated content to mark it as such. However, there is no government legislation or industry standard – thus far – which makes the embedding of this metadata or AI markers mandatory.

Dangerous Assumptions

Regulation is being spoken about. The EU AI Act, for example, prescribes some stringent record keeping and logging of materials produced by high-risk AI applications. But how these regulations are adopted and enforced is still to be seen. For now, tech companies seem to be moving quicker than regulation is and doing their own thing.

Meta claims to be developing its AI detection standards alongside other industry players like Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Adobe, Midjourney, and Shutterstock. What Meta assumes, and needs, for its detection programme to be successful is that other industry players will comply. It also assumes tech companies will act in good faith, and all agree on the ethics of disclosure. Which is a big, and dangerous assumption to make.

Meta’s mislabelling of content seems to have exposed the problem. As a Meta spokesperson explained “We rely on industry-standard indicators that other companies include in content from their tools, so we’re actively working with these companies to improve the process so our labeling approach matches our intent.”

Blurring lines

Meta’s mislabelling also exposed another problem with AI – one of blurring lines between what is and isn’t AI. Many photographers noticed that Meta was ascribing the ‘Made by AI’ label to images edited using some of Adobe’s tools like Photoshop. Photoshop is used to remove a bit of garbage on the lawn in an otherwise flawless frame of a bride and groom, or to make a sunset look more dramatic than it was. But it can also be used to make waistlines look slimmer, lips fuller and skin smoother – which brings a range of other ethical issues and mental health concerns.

But increasingly, tools like Photoshop have AI integrations. Here’s an example: instead of manually scrubbing out the garbage, you can use a text prompt to “tell” Photoshop how you want the image edited, and it will interpret your verbal prompt to remove garbage for you. So, you might end up with the same output as if you had scrubbed out the garbage yourself, but your image now has a tiny bit of code which says to Meta’s AI detector that it has been ‘Made with AI’.

Tiny Artificial Intelligence integrations are making their way into tools we use day to day. This is not new. Microsoft Word, on which I am currently penning my thoughts, launched its ‘Editor’ function way back in 2016. This is an AI-powered service which performs spell checks and recommends grammar corrections. Even though this article is a product of my very human brain, I’ve relied on Word to correct a few typos for me. So, is it ‘Made with AI?’ All in the eyes of the beholder or in the eyes of the AI detector.

Some notes:

  • Meta has acknowledged it is trying to resolve the mislabelling of images.
  • The ‘Made with AI’ label is currently only visible on the mobile app; not desktop.
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